Elegies: A Song Cycle

Monday, February 19th, 2007
Michael Engelbert

***** (out of 5)

There are big musicals and very mainstream shows but there are also small productions which can be very satisfying.  One of the local organizations that produces these smaller gems is Acting Up Stage Theatre Company and with their production of “Elegies: A Song Cycle” by William Finn, we have a real gem. 

This is not only because of the material by Finn but the absolutely outstanding performances by the cast – Thom Allison, Barbara Barsky, Steven Gallagher, Eliza-Jane Scott and Michael Strathmore.  ‘Elegies’ is an introspective piece about post 9/11 reflections of friends, family, pets, and victims of the tragedy.  In remembrance this song cycle is a celebration - the funny and poignant – truly a tribute to life. 

As the program says “the living was the prize.  The ending’s not the story”.

Director Lezlie Wade gives us a production that rates 5 stars out of 5.   

You will experience 5 very satisfying performances accompanied by solo piano, definitely a show not to miss.  William Finn’s “Elegies: A Song Cycle” is currently playing at the Berkeley Street Theatre Upstairs. It’s a very small theatre so I urge you – don’t delay in catching “Elegies – a Song Cycle” playing until March 3rd.