Since 2005, Acting Up Stage Company has been advancing the versatile art of musical theatre in Toronto: We produce entertaining, provocative, modern musical theatre; our student performances and educational programs inspire tomorrow’s artists and audiences; and our new, innovative musical development initiative incubates homegrown musicals.

Reviews, sold-out runs, award-nominations and awards say it all; we are on the way to becoming a leading force in Canadian musical theatre. But we cannot do it alone. We rely not only on box office, but on tax-deductible donations and sponsorships to support our ambitious programs and services.  

A great theatre company can only grow with the help of companies and individuals that support its vision. Acting Up Stage salutes its 2010-2011 season government, corporate and foundation supporters:

The Metcalf Foundation is proudly supporting Acting Up Stage's three year Strategic Initiative. Click here to learn more!

If you would like to support us, or inquire about sponsorship opportunities, please contact us via email or phone. We would love to work with you as we continue on our journey!

(416) 927-7880