
The reviews are in… Ride The Cyclone is a unanimous hit!

Toronto critics are raving about Ride The Cyclone.

Take a look at what they are saying!


The Toronto Star (Richard Ouzounian)

**** (out of 4)

“Stop waiting for the next big thing, Toronto, because it’s finally here.

Ride the Cyclone, which opened at Theatre Passe Muraille Monday night is not only as good as all the advance hype would lead you to believe, but it’s the most awe-inspiring, truly entertaining, heart-tugging, toe-tapping musical I’ve seen in years.

It may not sound like the premise on which musical theatre dreams are built, but believe me, it is.”

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The Globe and Mail (Kelly Nestruck)

**** (out of 4)

“My love for it is beginning to exceed the bounds of critical propriety. Like other early adopters, I’ve grown so attached to the quirky characters Richmond and Maxwell have created, it almost feels as if they’re my children too – and I just want them to go out and conquer the world.”

“This is a show where you don’t want to miss a word.”

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The Toronto Sun (John Coulbourn)

“Take this ride over and over again.”

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NOW Magazine (Glenn Sumi)

NNNN (out of 5)

“Ride The Cyclone lights up the Passe Muraille Mainspace, and the local theatre scene, like a crazy carnival.”

“This production by Atomic Vaudeville, TPM and Acting Up is an outrageously fun show performed by young artists you’ll be hearing lots about in years to come.”

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The National Post (Robert Cushman)

“Puts bigger shows to shame.”

“It’s already a super hit and on its way to becoming a cult. Or maybe vice versa.”

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The Torontoist (Carly Maga)

***** (out of 5)

“Not everyone is a “theatre person,” even fewer consider themselves a “musical theatre person,” but really you just have to be a “person” to enjoy this undeniably strange yet completely endearing concert from six deceased choir kids from Uranium, Saskatchewan.”

If there is one show to say you “saw it when…,” it’s Ride the Cyclone. So skip the ring toss and the deep-fried butter, and get in line now for this roller coaster of a show.”

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The Slotkin Review (Lynn Slotkin)

Ride The Cylone is a blast. It’s a total blending of a hugely creative story, an interesting mix of musical genres, lyrics that dazzle with their wit and irony, and a strong cast that can do everything from sing, dance and act.”

“The result is a raucous, lively, tongue-in-cheek hilarious show. I want to see more of Atomic Vaudeville and I want to see it soon.”

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Fab Magazine (Drew Rowsome)

Ride the Cyclone is probably review-proof. Only a few minutes in, when the fortune-telling puppet Karnak’s deep mysterious tones flood the theatre with anticipation and hilarity, any pretense of doing anything other than surrendering to the ride becomes impossible. And what a ride it is.”

If you can get a ticket, go. Surrendering to Ride the Cyclone is like taking a roller coaster ride, with all the twists, turns and sudden veers into unexpected places. And the end effect is just as exhilarating — a shot of adrenaline that sticks around long after the neon Cyclone sign blinks into blackness.”

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Emerging Arts Productions

“Ride the Cyclone is one of the most memorable Canadian musical creations we’ve seen.”

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