Participants performing at UnCovered: Simon & Garfunkel. Photo by Joanna Akyol

Make Me A Song

Acting Up Stage Company is thrilled to partner with Regent Park School of Music on a new pilot initiative entitled Make Me A Song.

Make Me A Song pairs eight Canadian musical theatre composer-lyricists with the Regent Park School of Music’s choir in a collaborative creation process. Eight songs will be specially created for the choir by each composer-lyricist. The songs will be presented to the choir in November at Koerner Hall prior to a performance of UnCovered, which the choir will have the opportunity to attend. The choir will learn the songs over the course of 6 months with the participation of the composers. The process will culminate in a public performance of these songs by the choir in 2017.

Make Me A Song Program Sponsor

Regent Park School of Music

Regent Park School of Music

Regent Park School of Music is non-profit community music school. We are here to give as many kids as possible a music education, by removing the financial obstacle.

This year, Regent Park School of Music (RPSM) is set to give 1,300 young people aged 3-18 a highly subsidized quality music education at our central hub in Daniels Spectrum in Regent Park and in satellite locations in Jane and Finch, Parkdale, Scarborough and other high-priority neighbourhoods in Toronto.

RPSM’s goal is to help kids succeed through music. For over 17 years they have seen that the study of music allows young people to flourish creatively, personally and academically…enriching their lives and future prospects.

Students have access to over 80 dedicated music teachers and an array of musical options and instruments. They study everything from classical piano and violin to turntablism and electronic music and perform all over the city. Learn More

Participating Writers

Participating Writers

Writers to be announced November 2016!