Banks Prize winners Graham Scott Fleming, Alessia Lupiano in their cabaret Spread a Little Joy.

The Syd & Shirley Banks Prize

This annual opportunity is open to musical theatre artists under 30 years of age who are under-exposed in Toronto and its surrounding areas.

Through an open audition process, two artists are selected and receive a cash prize, mentorship throughout the season, a showcase performance/cabaret on one of our ‘dark nights,’ as well as a role in our annual concert.

The Syd & Shirley Banks Prize for Emerging Musical Theatre Artists generously provides two musical theatre artists the opportunity to advance their careers through financial assistance, mentorship and increased exposure.

Apply for the 2015/2016 Banks Prize! Find the “Call for Submissions” tab below for more information. Auditions will be held on September 13 in Toronto.

Leading Lights

The Banks Family

The Prize

The Prize

Two emerging artists are awarded the prize each summer, each receiving:

1. A $1,000 cash prize

2. A cabaret created by and starring both winners

3. A featured role in our Uncovered concert

4. Mentorship with industry experts throughout the season



2012/2013: Alexis Gordon and Andres Sierra

2013/2014: Dana Jean Phoenix and Jordan Till

2014/2015: Alessia Lupiano and Graham Scott Fleming

Call for Submissions

Call for Submissions

Who is eligible?

All musical theatre artists are eligible if they meet the following criteria:

  • They are under 30 years of age
  • They reside in Ontario
  • They have been a member of Canadian Actors’ Equity Association for a maximum of three years (if at all)


To be considered for an audition, please submit the following to Adam White, [email protected] by August 28, 2015 at 5 p.m.

  • A headshot and resume
  • A cover letter detailing your interest in The Banks Prize

Auditions will be held in Toronto on September 13, callbacks will be September 22. Only those who receive an audition will be contacted.