
Category: A Craigslist Cabaret

Producing Notes - Unpack the Luggage (la-la-la)

Last week was one of the highlights of my tenure at Acting Up Stage. Not only did I get to see our co-production (with Factory Theatre) of Do You Want What I Have Got? A Craigslist Cantata play to packed audiences in Calgary and Edmonton, but I also got to spend some time in three Canadian cities, meeting with their arts leaders and getting a sense of their artistic landscape. Here are some notes from the road: More

Amiel Gladstone’s Triple Threat

Amiel Gladstone, founder of Victoria’s Theatre SKAM and renowned playwright and director, is a true visionary in staging works which combine music, storytelling and movement. Naturally, he was the perfect fit to pioneer Do You Want What I Have Got? A Craigslist Cantata, which will be touring to Edmonton and Alberta in the winter. In interviewing him, we discovered that Amiel has quite the encyclopedia of musical theatre knowledge under his belt, and this is what he had to share with us: More

Monica Dottor’s Triple Threat

Introducing Monica Dottor, a true triple threat herself! When not seen across Toronto stages, Monica is a spectacular choreographer with a real understanding of stage physicality and movement. Monica has been nominated for six (!) Dora awards, including one for her choreography on Do You Want What I Have Got? A Craigslist Cantata which she will be working again when we launch our first national tour in the winter. Here’s what makes Monica’s musical theatre gears click. More

Eric Morin’s Triple Threat

Eric Morin is a Toronto based actor and performer who’s long list of credits includes Altar Boyz, Ross Petty’s The Wizard of Oz and Canadian Stage’s recent A Misdummer Night’s Dream. Most excitingly, Eric will be be playing Whizzer in our upcoming production of Falsettos. In today’s Triple Threat we chat Island songs and probably the best guiltiest pleasure anyone has mentioned yet! More

A Craigslist Cabaret

Acting Up Stage and Factory Theatre are proud to partner with Jennifer Walls and her SINGular Sensation band in hosting an evening of Craigslist-inspired cabaret performances immediately following the performance of Do You Want What I Have Got? A Craigslist Cantata on February 13, 2013 (at approximately 9:45 p.m.) Featuring songs and stories around the theme of Missed Connections, A Craigslist Cabaret will feature Toronto’s most exciting cabaret artists including: More

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