
Category: The Year of the Child

The Year of The Child - Final Baby Blog

Well folks, this is it. My final “Year Of The Child Blog”.

When we started “Musical Notes” this year, our Associate Producer of Audience Engagement suggested that my weekly column be about the babies, offering a modern perspective on some of the themes in Falsettos. But as the season comes to an end, we decided to use the 1 year birthday of the babies as the final blog entry on this topic. And – while it’s very hard to believe – the babies turn 1 this week (June 13). Talk about a game changing year.

So what I have learned from this astounding year? More

The Year of The Child - Sick Day

Last week I got sick. Not like ‘sniffle-sniffle’ sick. Like ‘I’m-down-for-the-count’ sick. While I do get a lot of colds (presumably from not ‘taking it easy’ often enough), I am a pretty strong patient. I never miss work. I never cancel meetings. I just plow through (sometimes to the dismay of the person I am meeting with who I am sneezing on). Not this time. I took my first ‘Acting Up Stage’ sick day in 9 years! More

The Year of The Child - Party Time!

We are getting really close to the kids’ first birthday. Two more weeks to go!

And thus begins the new most common parental question that we receive: “So what are you going to do for their party?” More

The Year of The Child - Road Trip

Last week, after Falsettos closed, Orrin and I hopped in the car with the babies for a leisurely 10 hour drive to New York. As you can imagine, New York City holds a special place in my heart, and so it was with great anticipation that we departed for our babies’ first visit. More

The Year of The Child - Win, Lose & Crawl

To crawl or not to crawl, that is the question?

This week our kids turned 11 months old. I cannot believe it. Only one more month until a full year has passed since our lives changed forever. Even though they were born 5.5 weeks early, they have hit most of their milestones on time. However, it seems that many of their little friends are crawling up a storm, and they are not. They are almost crawling, and spend most of their time in crawling position, leading forward as far as they can to grab toys, but they just haven’t figured out yet how to make those legs and arms move in sync to get somewhere.

This has led to a conundrum. More

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