Category: Interactive Q&As

The State of the Art: The Writers

Today, we present the second installment of our podcast series, The State of the Art, in which we’ll be inviting Canadian musical theatre artists, programmers, administrators and more, to discuss the current state of Canadian Musical Theatre. Hosted by Associate Producer Nathaniel Bryan, this series promises to offer an in depth look at everything this country is currently offering, and how we can do it even better.

Today, Nathaniel chats with Irene Sankoff and David Hein, the creators’ behind My Mother’s Lesbian Jewish Wiccan Wedding, and Scott Christian and Kevin Shea, two of the three writers of A Misfortune and Hero & Leander.

The State of the Art: Artistic Directors

Today is a very exciting day for us at Acting Up Stage: it marks the first installment in our new podcast series, The State of the Art, in which we’ll be inviting Canadian musical theatre artists, programmers, administrators and more, to discuss the current state of Canadian Musical Theatre. Hosted by Associate Producer Nathaniel Bryan, this series promises to offer an in depth look at everything this country is currently offering, and how we can do it even better.

First up, Nathaniel chats with Artistic Board Chair of Theatre 20 and incoming Artistic Director of the Confederation Centre for the Arts Adam Brazier, and Artistic and Managing Director of Acting Up Stage Mitchell Marcus.

Q&A with Reza Jacobs

In case you missed it, have a listen to our interactive Q&A with Reza Jacobs, director of TapestriesMore