Tag: Scott Frankel

Meet the Beales!

GG video blog

Oh, hi!

The Toronto premiere of Grey Gardens is fast approaching and one question remains - what are you going to wear? Let Little Edie give you a little fashion advice…

Watch the promo video below to hear Lisa Horner sing “The Revolutionary Costume for Today” from Act 2 of Grey Gardens, a song featuring lines ripped directly from the 1976 documentary this musical is based on. After you watch the music video (also featuring Nicola Lipman as Big Edie, and special guest star Catsby), watch the documentary clip below to spot the similarities!


Why I programmed Grey Gardens

Now that UnCovered has come to an end, we are turning our attention to our next production – the Toronto premiere of Grey Gardens.

Plans for Grey Gardens have been in the works for nearly a year already and so it’s a great delight (and relief) that we can let the cat out of the bag officially.

While the 1976 documentary following two women living in squalor may not instinctively seem like the stuff that musicals are made of, I have been thoroughly fascinated with the Grey Gardens musical since it premiered in New York in 2006 and I’m thrilled that we can finally bring it to the stage in Toronto with an all Canadian cast.

So why now? More