
The Year of The Child - #TheatreDadProblems

Artistic Director Mitchell Marcus chronicles his journey of raising a non-traditional family (with husband Orrin) as it relates to the non-traditional family in Falsettos (Apr 23 – May 12, 2013). Check back every week to see how he balances raising a company and raising two new born twins.

I miss the theatre. Since June 13th when the twins were born, I have only stepped into a theatre three times. One Summerworks show, the brilliant Ravi Jain’s presentation of Dear Liar at the new Daniels’ Spectrum, and Sister Act (which was more happenstance than deliberate). Three shows in 5 months.

Every day I read Facebook statuses about “must see” local productions, all of which I have to ignore. I missed Bloodless which I really wanted to see. I can’t go see the revival of The Normal Heart which I loved the first time. I missed the entire Young Centre Cabaret Festival. I had to abandon my ticket for Ragtime as the babies were born just a few days prior. I read reviews of amazing shows happening in New York that I would kill to see, and yet the prospect of an out of town visit is simply impossible. I cannot believe I have not seen Once. And that I cannot get to go see Giant. And that I missed the chance to go see Fun Home when there was a ticket offered to me once the show was sold out.

Possible solution to having pennies lobbed at you by teenage hoodlums?

Most frighteningly, I am wondering how I will be able to see as much theatre as I like again. The babies go to bed around 7 or 7:30PM which makes getting to an 8PM curtain pretty challenging. Am I destined to a life of Wednesday matinees with students who throw pennies at the stage?

So – parents reading this blog – I need your secrets. Other than hiring a babysitter a few times a week to go to the theatre, how do you get out to enjoy shows?

Something tells me I will be seeing everything on the playbill at Young People’s Theatre in the next few years and nothing else!…

  • Angela

    I’m struggling with this as well. So far we have only figured out one night a month: a babysitting swap with friends who live nearby and know our little guy well.

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